Wednesday, March 28, 2007

a) When was the first actual robot invented and used?
Willard Pollard and Harold Roselund invented a mechanical arm with joints for an automated spray-painting machine, in 1938.

b) In 1942, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov created a set of three imaginary Laws of Robotics. What was the name of the book Asimov wrote in 1942 in which he described the Laws of Robotics?
The book that Asimov wrote in 1942 describing the Laws of Robotics was called "Runaround".

c) What is the so-called "Zeroth" Law of Robotics? Why is it called the Zeroth Law? repeats the Zeroth Law, which states that "A robot may not injure a humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm". According to Google definitions, Zeroth means "the initial item of a sequence, if that sequence is numbered beginning from zero rather than one". According to Future Positive, it is called the Zeroth Law because although it was created fourth chronologically, it was logically the First Law.

d) Propose one situation where it would be OK for a robot to harm (or even kill) a human. Explain why it would be OK in this circumstance.
A robot that does eye surgery, although it will eventually help the patient, is harming them in the process. This is OK because the harm that has been done will eventually be outweighed by the positives of the surgery (ie better eye sight)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Robots and Robotics

Ware et al. (2005:189) states that "a robot is a machine that can perform physical tasks with little or no outside help". This book also defines robotics as "the study of robots". It involves the design, programming and testing of robots and automated systems.

Wordnet defines robot as "a mechanism that can move automatically". It defines robotics as "the area of AI concerned with the practical use of robots".

From this information, I would define a robot as "a machine that can perform physical tasks automatically". I would define robotics as "the practical use and study of robots".

Ware P, Cooke P, Opfer D, Wall J. (2005), Information and Software Technology 7-10, Jacaranda: Milton, QLD
Wordnet, Cognitive Science Laboratory: Princeton University retrieved 26 March 2007 from